Our Commitments
Social justice, individual equality, climate and environmental protection and the associated energy reduction are important to us. We are committed to the appropriate use of resources and environmentally friendly mobility.
As an organization, we live our values. And in our role as an educational institute, we are committed to giving these issues space in our language training courses.
We are a member of Klimakomplizen. Klimakomplizen are committed to the following positions:
- CO2 balancing within 6 months
- Switch to "real" green electricity within 6 months
- Mainly regional, seasonal and preferably low-meat catering for employees
- Avoidance of domestic air travel
- Partners recruit new partners. Every new partner aims to find a new partner for this climate protection plan within 6 months.
We are a Global Ethic Ambassador and have thus set ourselves the task of raising awareness of ethical, social and intercultural conflicts and of teaching ethical language and action skills. Not only at Vivat Lingua!, but also to be a role model for other companies and organizations.
Encouraging women to become professionally self-employed and getting girls excited about the career profile of “entrepreneur” – that is the task of the role model entrepreneurs who volunteer for the “FRAUEN unternehmen” initiative.
We firmly believe that being part of the change and acting as role models brings change. We hope to be able to support many more girls and women on their way to self-employment.
Start-up Center Tübingen.
Adelheid Kumpf gives lectures, opening talks, etc. in her role as a model entrepreneur.
We are a member of the Neckar-Alb Regional Office for Professional Training. You can find our courses here, among others: https://www.fortbildung-bw.de/fuer-interessierte-2/online-kurs-finden/?wort=vivat%20lingua&typ=OnlineKurs&sortby=titel&sortorder=DESC
Unternehmer-Initiative Bleiberecht durch Arbeit
Objective: Right to stay for refugees with a permanent job or training position.
The initiative demands the right to integration, legal security, secure housing and employment under fair conditions.
We have been supporting projects of the association Evivo since 2010:
EVIVO e.V. is an association that supports projects in Germany and abroad in the areas of development cooperation and helping people to help themselves. Within the framework of the "weltwärts" program, EVIVO enables young people to do voluntary service in projects in Peru, Panama, Ecuador, and Ghana.
Since 2012, we have been supporting the LTT through an "armchair sponsorship"; cultural diversity is a very important concern for us.
We give German training for Bundesliga baseball players from the USA, so that the communication in the team is right!
We give German training for Bundesliga volleyball players from Canada and Spain, so that the communication in the team is right!
We give German training for Bundesliga basketball players, so that the communication in the team is right!
Until 2019, we supported students from the project "Studieren ohne Grenzen e.V." financially and professionally in the acquisition of the German language. This means that scholarship holders participated in our German courses free of charge.
We also supported a Skype project through didactic training, in which students in Germany made Chechen students linguistically fit in foreign languages.