German for Work - Welcome!

Do you have any questions regarding the course and/or level? 

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German for Work
Next course starts October 2024


You almost exclusively speak English in the laboratory, your institute and with other researchers? Or do you only talk about your department in German, and would like to speak it more often? That's what this course is for: communication during the lunch break. We talk about current topics, expand our vocabulary and practice small presentations on our research areas. 

German for Work
Next course starts October 2024

You almost exclusively speak English in the laboratory, your institute and with other researchers? Or do you only talk about your department in German, and would like to speak it more often? That's what this course is for: communication during the lunch break. We talk about current topics, expand our vocabulary and practice small presentations on our research areas. 

Why learn at Vivat Lingua!?

Groups of max. 12 learners
Individual feedback 
Interactive and varied
Training for every skill
Our community
Activities outside the courses

I have questions regarding the course and/or level: 

Book a consultation

All our courses comply with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).