English for Medical Professionals

Are you a medical professional in an international environment? Do you meet patients who speak only English and no German? We can support you in training every day conversations from your area of work. We offer courses that are practical and adapted specifically to your personal needs. 

We will find a suitable way to support you and your colleagues. 

Contact us for a consultation:  
Mareike Reinfandt 


Our Courses:


Our Courses:

English for Nurses
10 sessions (90 minutes each)
Costs: €175.00

on request 


Are you frequently in contact with international patients and would like to be able to communicate confidently in English when providing care? This course focuses on training English from the area of nursing, and sentences for a simple and clear communication with patients. Small role plays help to practise the acquired language structures functionally in a real-life setting of your everyday work. Our goal is for you to be able to communicate with your patients in English in a confident and relaxed manner. 

English for Nurses
10 sessions (90 minutes each)
Costs: €175.00

on request 

Are you frequently in contact with international patients and would like to be able to communicate confidently in English when providing care? This course focuses on training English from the area of nursing, and sentences for a simple and clear communication with patients. Small role plays help to practise the acquired language structures functionally in a real-life setting of your everyday work. Our goal is for you to be able to communicate with your patients in English in a confident and relaxed manner. 

English for Patient Admission


on request

English for Patient Admission

on request

English for MTAs (Medical Technicians)


on request

English for MTAs (Medical Technicians)

on request

English for Diabetes Advisors


on request

English for Diabetes Advisors

on request

English for Medical Professionals: English for writing reports


on request

English for Medical Professionals: English for writing reports

on request

English for Medical Professionals: English for publications and papers


on request

English for Medical Professionals: English for publications and papers

on request

English for Medical Professionals: English for presentations


on request

English for Medical Professionals: English for presentations

on request

Registration form for courses and exams

English for Nurses
10 sessions (90 minutes each)
Costs: €175.00

on request 

Why learn at Vivat Lingua!?

What is your level? – Needs analysis
What level do you want to achieve? – Analysis of your individual resources
Firm anchoring in the region – with us, you will get to know your new home!
The learner is at the center
Certified telc exam center
Online live courses
Practical learning with your head and hands

Our previous projects were with:

Universitätsklinikum Tübingen (UKT) School for nursing careers
UKT School for OTAs
UKT – Akademie für Bildung und Personalentwicklung (English for patient admission; English for MTAs; English for nursing staff)
UKT Physiotherapy
Postapotheke Tübingen
Novo Nordisk (Workshop for diabetes advisors)
BG Klinik